The purpose of the Energy & Infrastructure Club is to foster an active energy community at CBS, to provide our members with opportunities to enhance their business knowledge of the energy and infrastructure industries, connect our members with energy and infrastructure professionals, and provide access to energy and infrastructure career opportunities.

What We Do
Our educational events serve as a way for our community to learn about the many exciting facets of the energy and infrastructure space. We leverage the in-house expertise of our community as well as professors, professionals, and industry experts to improve our understanding of these topics in a way that is accessible for complete newcomers and informative for seasoned professionals.

Career Suppport
Our professional events are forums for companies and professionals in the industry to meet, interact, and connect with our student community. Members of the Energy & Infrastructure Club gain exposure to exciting opportunities in the industry and an understanding for the kind of work these companies are undertaking.

The community of students and experts in the energy and infrastructure space at Columbia is diverse, with varied background and experience. Our community events connect students interested in the space within the business school as well as the broader community, university wide.

Club Membership Information
Membership dues are $49/year and go towards subsidizing socials and events for members! Sign up on Campus Groups.